Re: what platform do you code on?

Joshua Cranmer <Pidgeot18@verizon.invalid>
Fri, 07 Dec 2007 22:25:16 GMT
Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:

1. Do you use Linux to develop Java? If so what distro and JDK

My current major project is being developed on Gentoo Linux using JDK 6;
I also use Debian Linux with JDK 6.

2. Do you use FreeBSD to develop Java? If so what version (i386 or
amd64?) and what JDK version? Do you use JavaVMWrapper from ports?


3. Do you use Windows (XP or Vista) to develop Java? If so what
version and what version of the JDK?

Windows XP Home with JDK 5 or 6; I haven't touched my Windows for
development in so long that I honestly can't remember.

4. Do you use Eclipse? If so what version and on what OS's?

5. Do you use NetBeans? If so what version on what OS's?

No, no.

6. Do you use command line based Java development? If so on what OS's
and what command shell do you use?

I mostly stick with bash, vim, and exuberant-ctags for all development
needs. On Windows, I use jEdit with the Console plugin as the command shell.

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