Re: Developers: "Simplify Eclipse or else..."

Lew <>
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:04:29 -0400
<> wrote:

On Apr 7, 4:57 pm, "Jeff Higgins" <> wrote:

Ramon F Herrera wrote:

My editor is better than yours. :P

I prefer Eclipse but I make sure that all my projects run properly in
NetBeans as well.

If your project has IDE dependencies in its build, your project is broken. It
should be buildable entirely from the command line with Ant, without any
IDE-specific artifacts whatsoever.

I even keep open both IDEs on the same source code (you have to make
sure to make all modifications from the Eclipse side).

No, you don't. I've used both on the same project many a time, and it's
perfectly feasible to modify from any IDE and then edit in Eclipse, provided
that you are correctly using your version control system. You do have a
version control system on your code, right?

It's no different from picking up code changes made by a colleague. Surely
you don't depend on your colleagues also using Eclipse?

If you do, then your project process is very badly broken.


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