Re: Java & Delphi
Fons wrote:
On I can choose:
"Web & Java EE" and "Java SE"
Which one should I get ? Or: what do EE and SE mean ? I tried to find
the meaning but it is not clear to me.
(Please do not top-post.)
In NetBeans's case, take the biggest one, the one that has just about every
feature (except maybe some "Early Access" aspect). That'd be the first of the
two choices you mentioned. It includes the other.
"EE" and "SE" are acronyms from, the ultimate arbiter of all things
Java. "Standard Edition" - the core of all Java. "Enterprise Edition" -
additional specifications that cooperate to make really cool systems.
Look around, especially for tutorials.
You learn Java in a sort of spiral. You start at the core, with "SE"
("Standard Edition"). Write a few classes, get used to packages, understand
the basics. Then you expand in interesting directions, adding to the alphabet
soup an acronym at a time.
Enterprise Edition involves downloading additional engines, like Apache Tomcat
for starters. Using that involves a bit of the Dark Art of deployment and
operations, good experience for anyone who thinks they have it mastered.