Re: Accessing jar file through program

Lew <>
Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:30:10 -0400
Please do not top-post.

Hakan wrote:

I had a fairly similar problem with the Apache POI package. I had to
import each package/class explicitly instead of writing the star for all
of them. That would mean that you have to write import
jxl.WorkbookSettings; . My problem occurred in Netbeans on Linux. You
can at least try that solution.

If the package and its classes are accessible, then import-on-demand works
just fine. Remember that 'import' is a compile-time concept; it has no
relevance at run time. Therefore it has nothing to do with the OP's problem.

ruds wrote:

I'm writting a program for data Extraction using jexcelapi.
i have downloaded the jar file. Now I want to use it my program, for
this the code is:

import jxl.*;
import java.util.*;

but I'm getting error as; package jxl does not exist
import jxl.*;
^ cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class WorkbookSettings
location: class ConvertCSV
      WorkbookSettings ws = new WorkbookSettings();

I have added the jar file path in classpath variable,still it is not
Where am I going wrong, Please tell.

You have not told us how you're invoking the program, which makes all the

What 'classpath' variable? What do you mean you "added the jar file path in" it?

If you spelled the variable "classpath", there's one reason it wouldn't work.
  If you invoked the program using "java -jar jarfile" there's another.

As a general rule, eschew the CLASSPATH variable in favor of the -classpath
option to the command.


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