Re: Developing under Ubuntu
Arne Vajh??j wrote:
Andrew Thompson wrote:
On Aug 31, 11:43 pm, Harold Shand <sh...@no.such.domain> wrote:
..Fedora is the free version.
Aha! I had stupidly assumed that every 'name' of
a Linux OS was available as a free version.
If I decide to go with it, I will be looking to
use the free version.
Fedora Core has a desktop focus and is freely and easily downloadable.
RHEL has a sever focus and is usually bought with a support
agreement. Technically it is still free in the sense that you
can find the source code on Redhats FTP servers and build it
I switched from Fedora after years of use (versions 3 through 8) to Ubuntu
(currently on HH, i.e., version 8). I find Ubuntu to be more stable, the
package management system to be easier to use, and the Ubuntu distro suite to
be more flexible. Ubuntu has prebuilt distros for server edition (with
virtualization support already included), Gnome version, KDE version and
MythTV version. (There are others, too, I think.) I've been more comfortable
with Ubuntu than I was with Fedora.
One of my hard drives had been formatted with Fedora. I simply mounted it in
Ubuntu with no reformatting or anything, and no worries. ext3 is ext3 is ext3
(with apologies to Gertrude Stein).
Sun Java, IBM Java, Glassfish, Apache Tomcat and all the rest just work fine
with no special considerations. I have run them on two different 64b machines
(in the 64b versions, btw), one is single-core (AMD) and the other is
quad-core (Intel).
Firefox works much better in Ubuntu - I can run Flash and applets from my
browser and that hadn't worked in Fedora.
Almost everything I want to install in Ubuntu has been easily obtained from
the APT packaging system. I do prefer to directly download the Java-based
tools, including the JDK itself, the Java EE servers like Glassfish and
OpenEJB, and NetBeans. I let 'apt-get' bring me Eclipse.
As a developer I don't want to develop the OS itself, or compile my own
packages for installation if I can help it. Ubuntu comes closer to the ease
of installation and the "who needs expert customers?" attitude of the Windows
world than Fedora did.
Just one person's outlook.