Re: cannot get my JSP to forward to database-handler servlet (in
netbeans) wrote:
I have a JSP that processes some html form (processForm.JSP) and then
forwards to a Java Servlelt that carries out some mysql transactions
to do error checking (under 'project->Source Packages' I have a new
package called 'foo', servlet is
processForm.jsp contains the following lines :-
<% if (formHandler.validate()) {
jsp:forward page="/DBHandler" />
I have updated web.xml with the name and location of the DBHandler
When I compile/deploy/run in netbeans - my web application falls over,
in firefox I get a very brief error (HTTP 404 - the requested resource
() is not available), I get nothing in the netbeans glassfish console.
I have placed some System.out.println to help me debug the sequence of
events, and I can see that is never called
Can some one please point out what exactly should the syntax be for
forwarding from JSP->servlet (i.e. the JSP forward syntax), should
there be '/' or not?? does web.xml take care of the mapping from name -
Is /DBHandler mapped to the servlet?
On the other hand I strongly recommend that you do it the other way
- form is posted to servlet
- servlet does validation and transaction
- servlet forward to JSP