Re: Linked List program
On 10/3/2010 9:12 AM, DeAndrea Monroe wrote:
Thanks for the help. I'm supposed to be using NetBeans but I can't
seem to get it to download correctly. Have you checked out any of the
code I have written?
(When replying to a message, it's considered good form to quote
enough of the original to establish context. Not the whole thing,
mind you, "just enough.")
Since you didn't describe what sort of troubles you're having with
NetBeans, I don't know what advice to give to solve them. All I can
offer is that "It works for me," which isn't much comfort. Perhaps
your classmates or instructor can help you get started.
As for your code, I looked at it briefly (as my earlier remarks
indicate). It's clearly a beginner's effort and looks like a class
assignment, which is why I surmise you're in an instructional setting
of some kind. There is much that could be done to spiff up your code,
but it would probably just increase a starting student's confusion.
I imagine your class will get around to the niftier stuff once the
basics are behind you.
Eric Sosman