Re: Eclipse And NetBeans

Lew <>
Thu, 19 Apr 2012 17:36:47 -0700 (PDT)
William Colls wrote:

Steve wrote:

I've been using Visual Slickedit for over 10 years. I'm now working my
way through the help files in Eclipse. I decided to give it a try since
it is *almost* a defacto standard in Java shops.

I've been impressed with what I have seen so far.

I understand that the other contender for popular, free, plugin based
JAVA IDE is NetBeans.

I understand there may just be religious issues as far as which one a
person should choose, but while I understand the differences in
philosophies between an older religious war: emacs and vi, I don't with
Eclipse and NetBeans.

Both are written in Java, both are IDEs, both are built to take in new
functionality via plugins.

So, what are the big differences between the two that make some people
go with one and others with the other?

What are the differences between emacs and vi? Both are written in older co=
mputer languages, both are built to edit text files, both have advanced fea=
tures to help programmers.

What's the difference between a Piper Cub and a Boeing 747? Both are fixed-=
wing aircraft. Both carry passengers through the air. Both require a licens=
ed pilot and an airfield.

Style, key mappings, number of menu features, robustness of help system, lo=
w-level implementation details like how Eclipse shadows the file system but=
 not NetBeans, support for outboard features (like other languages besides =
Java), how they're packaged for installation, ...

Thanks in advance for any polite, non-critical, non-negative opinions

Nice try, but we will still say what we will.

 From limited experiance with both, I found Netbeans easier to get
productive with. It is simpler, and for me intuitive to use. I found
Eclipse less intuitive, and in some cases the help wasn't much help. I
suspect that Netbeans is fine for relatively small projects, with only a=


few team memebers. Eclipse seems to be aimed at larger projects, with a=


large team.

I like NetBeans but currently I am tied to Eclipse.


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