Re: Space in 'My Documents' directory not fixed by quoting or \ escaping

Lew <>
Tue, 29 May 2012 07:06:31 -0700
Nigel Wade wrote:

Silvio Bierman wrote:

bilsch wrote:

I'm writing a DOS script that uses pathnames with the well known Windows
directory 'My Documents'. The name has a space in it that causes javac
and java commands to choke. Neither of the following works:
'My Documents' (single quotes) or My\ Documents (escape the space).
Here is an example:

javac -d C:/Users/Owner/'My Documents'/NetBeansProjects/%1/build/classes

Can anyone tell me the workaround for this?

TIA Bill S.

Not really Java related but anyway: in DOS/Windows you need to quote the
complete path like "C:/My Documents/Pictures/abc.WMV" etc.

it's often very convenient to use tab expansion of paths (both in Windows cmd
shell, and UNIX/Linux bash shell). This would have discovered the correct path
for the OP. For example, enter in the cmd.exe:

javac -d C:\Users\Owner\My

then hit tab. Windows will do the rest, even adding appropriate quotes where
necessary. Note that you must use the Windows \ path separator for this to work.

"/" is a Windows path *element* separator. ";" is the path separator in Windows.

Windows is fine with forward slashes in paths. I suspect the "%1" expansion.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

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