Re: Netbeans question?

Knute Johnson <>
Wed, 20 Feb 2013 19:25:34 -0800
On 2/20/2013 19:15, Eric Sosman wrote:

On 2/20/2013 7:22 PM, Knute Johnson wrote:

I'm trying to learn how to use Netbeans but that isn't really my
question. When I start it I get a dialog that says "Invalid jdkhome",
"Cannot locate Java installation", "C:/...1.7.0_10", "Do you want to try
to use the default version?" If I press the NO button it just quits, if
I press the Yes button it starts and works normally. I can't find any
place in the program to change the "jdkhome". It finds the current
1.7.0_15 installation without any difficulty. Anybody know how to reset

     I've seen this after installing a JDK update when NetBeans
is already present. (Guess: The NetBeans installer sniffs out
an existing JDK, but the JDK installer doesn't detect and update
an existing NetBeans.) What works for me is to edit the file

     C:\Program Files\NetBeans<version>\etc\netbeans.conf

... and change the "netbeans_jdkhome=" line to point to my
updated JDK.

     (Um, er, you *do* have a JDK installed, right?)

I do :-)

I found the .conf file too and that does fix the dialog problem.

I followed John's advice (hint maybe) and added the existing Java to the
platforms. I discovered that the Default java installation does not
have JavaFX for some reason but one can install the same java
installation again (makes no sense to me). But you can't delete the

Thanks Eric and John


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