Re: Invocations

Thomas Hawtin <>
Tue, 02 May 2006 15:08:18 +0100
Stefan Ram wrote:

Ian Wilson <> writes:

this.add( titleLabel,
  new GBC( 0,0, 2,1, 0.0,0.0, GBC.WEST, GBC.NONE, 5,5,0,5, 0,0 ));

  For readability, one would actually like to have keyword
  arguments as in Smalltalk, SQL or VBA. As in

Does SQL have keyword arguments?

  In Java one could use either


     GridBagConstraints cons = new GridBagConstraints() {{ // Evil...
             gridx = 0; gridy = 0; gridwidth = 2; gridheight = 1; ...

However, your colleagues might want to have words with you if they saw

 From 1.5 the constants can be imported with import static. My
preference is to subclass GridBagConstraints with a class that is more
suited as a builder. Also replace the use of int constants with enums. So:

import mypackage.layout.GridBag.Constraints;
import static mypackage.layout.GridBag.Constraints.Anchor.*;
import static mypackage.layout.GridBag.Constraints.Fill.*;
     Constraints cons = new Constraints()
         .gridLocation(0, 0)
         .gridSize(2, 1)
         .insets(5, 5, 0, 5);

Tom Hawtin
Unemployed English Java programmer

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