ok, good, the laod/boot grub menu gave me the choice of 3 kernel, 1 of
them is smp and is some 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp which I am using now and
works good.
the one that was working all screwy is 2.6.17-1.2142_FC4smp
and the one I am not using because it was not smp is 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4
now under 2.6.11-1.1369_FC4smp the availableProcessors() still gives me
1 as an answer.
So this possibly means that 1 is really 2?? since looking at the data
that came out of the file with the cpu info said cpu 0 and cpu 1, .. if
it is an 0 based array I guess the count for 2 is 1?? it seams logical,
but may not be the practice..
nissaba@gmail.com wrote:
for some reason this as f$#ked my network card and the system is slow
responding, as before is was prety quick, :( hmmmmm ...
Something mist have gone prety wrong.. good thing I have my tape
nissaba@gmail.com wrote:
Nigel Wade wrote:
nissaba@gmail.com wrote:
yes I was asking a question, this is the reason of the "?" at the end
of the phrase,
if you prefer : is ti too late to install the "kernel-smp"? or is it
some thing that can be done post installation od the OS?
I am googling for a howto install the smp... but not much luck at
finding any! so if any one can post some info or give me a link the
know is good.
There almost certainly won't be any HowTo to install a SMP kernel in
Fedora. In