Re: unable to import javax.sound.midi even after installing jmf

"Andrew Thompson" <>
28 Nov 2006 05:03:42 -0800
SlowLearner wrote:

I've installed jmf 2.

2.1.1 e?

...There's only one copy of the jre on my harddisk
and jmf has added it's jmf.jar etc files into that jre (inside sdk)

Let's (try to) get clear - is this a JRE, or an SDK?
What version? ...
well as placing itself in it's own program files directory;
It's added the correct classpath to the classpath variable to reach
jmf.jar etc but I still cannot import javax.sound.midi.

....The reason I ask is that despite the sound
packages coming in the JMF, they were also
included in core Java as of 1.3 (at least, that
is what I understand, and if that is not correct,
I put the wrong thing here

So, it amazes me that you did not have
access to the sound packages even
before installing the JMF.

Unless you are using a 1.2 or 1.1 SDK...

....It says
javax.sound doesn't exist. When my ide

'my ide'.. that is not a brand I am familiar with.
It might pay to be a little more specific about the
IDE and its version..

...starts up you can see it
unpacking jmf.jar

That matches no IDE I know of..

What IDE? What version? Have you
managed to compile any java code in
"my ide" on this PC with the installed

Any Suggestions

Provide more details - as prompted by
questions above, plus whatever else
you can think might be relevant.

(Oh, but I did just remember, sound.jar does
come *separately* to jmf.jar..)

Andrew T.

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