Re: servlets problems

"Andrew Thompson" <>
2 Jan 2007 05:13:36 -0800
boyScout wrote:

Hello guys, I'm learnig java servelts but I got problems. I'using
tomcat as a container so I have a web application named so I created a
directory named jsp within the webapps' directory. After I have created
a web.xml file and a WEB-INFO ...

Huhh? Did you mean 'WEB-INF' (no 'O')? inside my web application
directory then I put all classes inside the WEB-INFO/classes directory.

Only loose classes go in the classes directory, and
then by 'reverse package name', so for example...

package com.ourcompany;

public class TheClass {

...should be located as..


OTOH, if your classes are in a jar, they need
to go in WEB-INF/lib.

But nothing appear.

Are you saying the 'classes are not found'?
Please try to give more detail of error output.

If none of the above works, don't forget to refresh
the server (restarting it is the easiest way).


Andrew T.

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