Re: What are com.blah or org.blah?

"Andrew Thompson" <>
5 Jan 2007 09:29:02 -0800
Ian Wilson wrote:

Andrew Thompson wrote:


And if all else fails, perhaps 'ind' for 'individual'..



I suspect more than one individual Andrew Thompsons ...

1) A microbiologist from the UK
2) A Canadian parliamentarian who was ordered
to show his presence before the parliament or risk
dismissal (never followed up what became of him)
3) ..many others.

Screw 'em. They ain't Java coders, and any other
Java coder with the same name would be accused
of impersonating me, should they be silly enough
to use that package name ( me, anyway).

(Though they might add a real, or arbitrary,
middle name, if they really want to go that way..)

...exists today and
more might exist in the future. So that doesn't seem like a great scheme.

Registering a domain for the price of a cup of coffee or two seems a
reasonable deal for anyone needing to publish Java classes to the world
at large.

Domain names can be 'stolen'.. (just as identities can).

Six of one, half a dozen of the other..

Andrew T.

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