Re: How do you open a Java open source project in an IDE

"Andrew Thompson" <>
11 Jan 2007 04:15:18 -0800
Sathyaish wrote:

Pardon my nescience if the title of the question makes me sound like a

That's OK. The title made you sound like a nincompoop,
but your use of the word 'nescience' makes you sound like
an arrogant prat - so it all balances out (shrugs).

....I just downladed apache's (ASF's) log4j. Most of the projects
in Java just have the .java and .class files.

Are you saying the log4j source distributable failed to
include a build.xml file? Most Java based projects these
days come with one, because..*

...I can understand that it is so because there are many more
IDE's, most of them open source for Java, even if they're not that good..

There, there. There, there.

(EditPlus, IntelliJ (which is not open source) IDEA, NetBeans, Eclipse,
WSAD etc.).

My question is, when I get a folder of source Java code, with a
multi-level folder heirarchy within that, containing only .java files,
how do I open that in an IDE ensuring that the heirarchy of the files
and packages is maintained?

* ..most (if not all) of those IDE's understand ant
based build files.

Andrew T.

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