Re: newbie

Lew <>
Thu, 07 Jun 2007 10:23:29 -0400
Ian Wilson wrote:

All kinds of tutorials come from them:

JB wrote:

Alternatively if there is a preferred IDE to Eclipse that, would also
be useful, although at this stage at least I do not want to pay for

Ian Wilson wrote:

NetBeans is free from Sun. But I suggest you give Eclipse some more time
and effort before you give up on it.

I like NetBeans myself, but there are many others. I'm also
partial to emacs.

As I say my initial desire is to develop desktop/PDA applications
rather than web based applications.

I recommend you use Java Standard Edition (JSE) to start with. Use Swing
components to create the desktop GUI.

I've not developed for PDAs, it needs a different edition of Java. I
suggest you create at least a few simple desktop apps before progressing
to PDAs.

I'd suggest further that you start with console apps - no GUI - until you get
the hang of Java as a language and environment. There are lots of tricks and
traps in the GUI world that'll break your heart if you're still trying to
correlate directories to packages.

Once you can compile apps by hand there's Ant,, that is a
must-have for Java development.

IBM is a good source for things Java -


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