Re: Java 7 features

From: (Stefan Ram)
2 Jul 2007 21:46:47 GMT
Joshua Cranmer <> writes:

@ Closures

  A lot depends on the details of how this is done.

@ Strings in switch statements

  Does not really matter to me, because I rarely
  come across this.

@ Operator overloading for BigDecimal

  If such an extension of the syntax would be tied to a specific
  class (BigDecimal), it would be ugly.

  As a general language feature, it's nice to have.

@ Language-level XML support

  Should not be tied to fixed classes or an implementation
  or even XML. Whenever source code encounters

    x = <...>

  a plugable handler should be called by the compiler to convert
  the "<...>" part to a Java expression. The XML-handler by Sun
  would be the default.

  By this, S-expressions could be embedded as well.

@ Reified generics

  Now that I've written all those FAQs explaining type erasure
  they want to devaluate them!!

@ Superpackages

  I have not yet fully grasped this concept.

@ Removing checked exceptions

  Indeed, a major part of my library code just consist
  of wrapping them in RuntimeExceptions. So this would

  What is missing?

  I want Derby (the SQL database that is part of the JDK) to
  become a part of the JRE. It would help to have a default
  database without any further installation.

  Simplifications for common cases:

      CLASS x = new CLASS( ... )

  It should be allowed to abbreviate this to something
  shorter like:

      CLASS x = new( ... )


      INTERFACE x = new( ... )

  What is this? I imagine that every interface might specify
  a default implemenation. For example, for java.util.List,
  this would be java.util.ArrayList. Then

      java.util.List<String> x = new();

  would mean the same as

      java.util.List<String> x = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();

  Also, consider:

       if( x instanceof A ){ A a =( A )x; ... }
  else if( x instanceof B ){ B a =( B )x; ... }
  else if( x instanceof C ){ C a =( C )x; ... }

  Forget for a moment that ?instanceof? is a code smell.
  Sometimes it's needed.

  This could be written as

       if( x instanceof A ){ ... }
  else if( x instanceof B ){ ... }
  else if( x instanceof C ){ ... }

  if the compiler would keep track of the fact that x
  in the first block is now known to have the type of A,
  so that no further cast is required. (At least for
  an identifier ?x? with ?final? this should hold.)

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