Tree Traversal

Mark Space <>
Fri, 24 Aug 2007 07:49:11 -0700
I wrote the following in-order tree traversal without using recursion,
just to see if I could. It appears to work. If anyone would like to
check it to see if they can find any errors, I'd appreciate it.

No it's not homework, just a self-exercise in programming. ^_^

  * Created on August 24, 2007, 6:34 AM
  * Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.
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package treetraversal;

import java.util.Stack;

  * @author B
public class Traverse
     BinaryTreeNode tree;

     /** Creates a new instance of Traverse */
     public Traverse()

      * @param args the command line arguments
     public static void main(String[] args)
         // TODO code application logic here

         Traverse t = new Traverse();

     private void makeRandomTree()
         for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
             BinaryTreeNode n = new BinaryTreeNode();
             n.value = Math.random();
             insertNode( this.tree, n );

     private void insertNode( BinaryTreeNode parent, BinaryTreeNode node )
         if( this.tree == null )
             this.tree = node;
             BinaryTreeNode n = this.tree;
                 if( node.value < n.value )
                     if( n.left != null )
                         n = n.left;
                         n.left = node;
                     if( n.right != null )
                         n = n.right;
                         n.right = node;


     private void traverseTree()
         // In-order tree traversal, with out using recursion

         BinaryTreeNode node = tree;
         BinaryTreeNode temp = null;
         Stack<BinaryTreeNode> nodeStack = new Stack<BinaryTreeNode>();

         // note: all of the while(true) loops are, effectively, not while
         // loops at all. They are just place-holders for their associated
         // labels. None of these while loops ever actually loop.

         if( tree == null )
                 while( node.left != null )
                     temp = node;
                     node = node.left;



                         if( node.right != null )
                             temp = node;
                             node = node.right;
                             continue left_node;
                                     if( nodeStack.isEmpty() )
                                         break left_node; // DONE! Exit
                                     temp = nodeStack.pop();
                                     if( temp.left == node )
                                         node = temp;
                                         //goto visit_current
                                         continue visit_current;
                                         node = temp;
                                         // goto pop_parent
                                         continue pop_parent;

     private void visitNode( BinaryTreeNode node )
         System.out.println( node.value );


class BinaryTreeNode
     public BinaryTreeNode left;
     public BinaryTreeNode right;
     public double value;

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