Lew schreef:
Hendrik Maryns wrote:
Also an old gcj1.4 somewhere, because OpenOffice needs it.
I'd never heard that before. Are you certain?
No. But if I mark it for uninstall in the package manager, it complains
about missing dependencies for ooffice. The first 2?it2" is
java-1_4_2-gcj-compat. Reading the below, I think it is because I am on
a 64-bit architecture and somehow, Yast thinks Sun2"s java6 does not
provide a 64-bit version, though it does. There are some problems
there, e.g. it is also troublesome to deinstall java-1_5_0-sun and set
java-1_6_0-sun instead, I had to run update-alternatives --config=java
to fix broken links afterwards. And of course, no Firefox plugin, but
that is Sun2"s issue.
I use Fedora 7. I had all sorts of problems with GCJ artifacts getting in the
way of my real Java code and dependencies for a while. Finally I broke out
near-equivalents from a real Java. No worries.