Re: Netbeans File Organization - Web Project
LB wrote:
I'm confused by how Netbeans (ver. 6.1) projects manage files.
This is not NetBeans-specific. This is the standard layout for source and
deployment directories for a web application. Well, nbproject/ is
NB-specific, but the rest aren't.
I'm working on a simple .jsp web application.
My project folder looks like this (I'm looking via Windows Explorer):
Deployment root.
/build/web/ <---
Deployment directory for web artifacts.
Don't forget about /build/web/WEB-INF/classes/ for Gosh sake!
Source root.
Source for configuration files.
Source for Java files. Notice that the compiled classes don't go here either.
Source for Java classes in the 'package_name' package.
Source for unit-test classes.
/web/ <---
Root of source for web artifacts.
Note that deployed artifacts don't go here - they go to corresponding
directories in the *deployment* tree, that is, the one rooted at build/.
Its the two different /web/ folders that screwing me up.
Once is source, the other target.
Notice that your Java classes go under build/ also.