Re: Jar in classpath but still class not found

Lew <>
Thu, 16 Apr 2009 07:41:49 -0700 (PDT)
On Apr 16, 7:56 am, Philipp <> wrote:

On Apr 16, 1:12 pm, "John B. Matthews" <nos...@nospam.invalid> wrote:

In article

 Philipp <> wrote:


Note PrintTest is in default package.


Now executing:
$ java -cp Printer.jar PrintTest
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: PrintTest


What am I doing wrong?

Your classpath omits the current directory:

java -cp .:Printer.jar PrintTest

Thanks for the ansnwer, but this does not solve the problem! I still
$ java -cp .:Printer.jar PrintTest
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: PrintTest

I noticed that when compiling:
$ javac -cp Printer.jar
I end up with a file MyPrinter.class in the folder. This is the one
which should be (and is) in the jar. Where is that file coming from?

If I compile with the classpath set to the current folder as well, I
get a compile error:
$ javac -cp .:Printer.jar package mytest does not exist
import mytest.MyPrinter;
             ^ cannot find symbol
symbol : class MyPrinter
location: class PrintTest
                MyPrinter ps = new MyPrinter();
                ^ cannot find symbol
symbol : class MyPrinter
location: class PrintTest
                MyPrinter ps = new MyPrinter();
3 errors

Should the manifest in the jar contain more details (it's basically
empty now)?

What is the output of "jar -tf Printer.jar"?


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