Re: Having problems calling a non-static method for a static context

Eric Sosman <>
Tue, 12 May 2009 17:11:09 -0400
<1242162669.413651@news1nwk> wrote:

I guess the title says it all. I just dont understand why i cant cal
my from my Model class. Both in the same package.

Model class short :

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        Object source = e.getSource();

    public void clickButton(Object o) {
        int i = 0;
        for (MButton s : this.but) {
            if (s == o) {

Main class short :

public void play(int k) throws IOException {
        while (game.finish == false) {
            int j = 0;
            for (Model.Square squares : game.sq) {
                communication[j] = squares.value;

Any ideas guys and gals ??

     The play() method "belongs to" each instance of Main, not
to the Main class as a whole. That is, you can only call play()
when you have an actual Main object at hand, something like

    Main m = new Main();

Inside play(), the Main object you called it with is known as

     You're trying to call play() as if it were a static method,
a method that's associated with the class as a whole rather
than with a particular Main instance, a method in which there
is no "this" object. Sorry, can't do that: As written, play()
needs an object that can be its "this."

     Possible cures: (1) Add `static' to the definition of play()
so it becomes a class method instead of an instance method. Or,
(2) call play() on some particular Main instance, presumably
the one representing the game in progress. From the short snip
you've provided, I can't tell whether (1) or (2) is appropriate.

     Once you get past that problem, you'll then need to do
something about the IOException play() can throw.


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