Re: timeout support for methods..
horos11 wrote:
I have problem with a third party module that I'm using - the methods
inside it tend to freeze (ie: go away and not come back). The problem
is intermittent, and can happen in more than one method in the module.
The way I look at it, I've got only one choice as it stands; to run
the commands in a separate thread, and have the parent thread kill the
child thread if it hasn't exited within a certain interval. But this
is messy, not only from the extra code that I'm going to have to
write, but from
a) the need to use data from the child in the parent
b) the need for retry in case of failure
c) the need to handle any cleanup from the child.
So I was hoping that there was some support for timeouts in methods,
something like:
public String[] method(int input, int input2) throws
which would handle all of the timeout and data issues for a given
function call, and throw a timeout exception if it hits 60 seconds (in
this case).
Anyways, I know something like this doesn't exist in the form stated
above, but anything remotely like it would be most welcome. Otherwise,
is there an API which handles this effectively? I'm at a loss on how
to do this cleanly..
There's no declarative structure for that in Java.
Timeout thread coding is tricky but pretty much necessary here. If you snoop
around the java.util.concurrent package there are some mechanisms that can help.
For example, if you set up your method call in a cancellable thread, you can
use Future/FutureTask#get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) to retrieve the result.