Test - trust in JNLP exntensions
I am having a problem with launching a trusted app., and
was wondering if I could get some more test results.
It is at http://pscode.org/lib/dukebox-all.jnlp
(for further details on DukeBox, see http://pscode.org/dukebox/)
The problem is as follows. Parts of the app. require all-permissions,
but others can be sandboxed. I supply each package as JNLP
extensions, and the JNLP file is where the trust level for that
is declared.
The main JNLP declares all-permissions, as does the class that
opens a PlayList. Using Ubuntu/Java 1.6, I get prompted to
trust DukeBox, yet no prompt for the PlayList, and when I go
to open a playlist (any M3U file), it throws an exception reporting
'access denied (java.io.FilePermission filename read) ...'
That exception is dumped to the console, but also popped
in a JOptionPane.
Can anyone else open an M3U file using the app.?
(If you don't have any M3U files handy, try downloading
http://pscode.org/media/mp3.m3u )
Andrew T.