Re: Regular expression in Java

Knute Johnson <>
Wed, 03 Feb 2010 10:37:04 -0800
The87Boy wrote:

On 3 Feb., 18:38, Lew <> wrote:

The87Boy wrote:

I am trying to create a new profile management system, and I have some
regular expression I used in PHP e.g. "<\/b>&nbsp;(.*?) aar"
Where I get the String between&nbsp; and aar
Is there any way I can do this in Java?


Eric Sosman wrote:

    There's a splendid new on-line system for answering this
kind of question. Visit'stwo O's
and one G, not the other way around) and enter a search for, oh,
gee, I dunno, maybe "Regular expression in Java". Chances are
Very Good Indeed that they'll have something you can make use of.

Lew wrote:

You mean, like

Did you read this link? Have you read through the descriptions of the various
types and methods in that package?

Yes I have

The87Boy wrote:

Yes, but I don't know I should make use of it in my situation

Neither do we. You haven't seen fit to share any details. What exactly is
your situation?

I use the regular expression "<\/b>&nbsp;(.*?) aar" in PHP to get the
String between the space and aar (the .*)
I want to use it in the same way in Java
I could of course split the String up 2 times

What are your specific questions about the Java regex libraries?

Whatever it is possible to find a String from another String by a
regular expression in Java

What have you tried so far?

I have tried many thing, but it seems that I have to split the String

import java.util.regex.*;

public class test {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         String str =
  "Some where over the </b>&nbsp;There is a duck aar from here to there";
         Pattern p = Pattern.compile("</b>&nbsp;(.*?) aar");
         Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
         if (m.find())

You don't have to split the string. I don't use PHP but it looks like
you need to escape the forward slash? That is not required in Java.

Look at Pattern and Matcher in the docs.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2010/

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