Re: Build Path Mess
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On Thu, 6 May 2010, Lew wrote:
On May 6, 9:26?am, Tom Anderson <> wrote:
On Thu, 6 May 2010, Lew wrote:
On 05/06/2010 06:44 AM, Sahil Dave wrote:
I have been away from java for quite a long time, and certainly away
from Eclipse. I have two applications, one of which uses the other. The
problem here is that i am trying to import classes from app2 into app1,
but its not able to find them.
How do i get around this? I know that it has to do something with the
build path. I am using Eclipse.
Read about packages and classpaths in the tutorial on
Did you see the bit where he says "I am using Eclipse"? It's on the last
line of the second paragraph.
Did you read the thread wherein people discuss that knowing the
underlying concepts is essential to effective use of an IDE?
I don't see any evidence that he doesn't know the underlying concepts. He
was quite specific in that the problem was configuring Eclipse. It doesn't
matter if you know every last comma of the rules about classpaths if you
don't know where the Configure Build Path dialogue box is.
I believe you even participated in that thread, as you may recall.
I don't remember things, that's what google is for.
There was this one time we were talking about [...] that if you fill a
bucket with water and spin it around, some of the force acting to hold
the water back comes from the edge of the Universe. We were on tour in the
Netherlands, and when we got to the venue, backstage someone said, 'let's
try it out'. So we yelled, 'Oi, bring us a bucket and some rope!' They
did and we made an awful mess. -- Billy Bragg, feat. Ernst Mach