Re: Naming conventions for Interface + Implementation classes?

Tom Anderson <>
Thu, 3 Feb 2011 19:38:48 +0000
On Thu, 3 Feb 2011, Peter Duniho wrote:

On 2/3/11 5:14 PM, Robin Wenger wrote:

As I noticed there are two different naming conventions for an
Interface+Implementation pair:

1.) MyClass (=Interface) + MyClassImpl (=Implementation)
2.) IMyClass (=Interface) + MyClass (=Implementation)

The first one is (AFAIK) from Sun Who defined originally the second one?

I see it a lot in Microsoft land, so perhaps it originated there - they're
certainly fond of pseudo-Hungarian notation elsewhere, and this is
similar. I recall Delphi also had prefix letters (TSomeComponent and so
on); i don't know if this is related.

What is recommended (for which scenario)?

I don't think you'll find anyone using the word "Class" in an interface

I assume that MyClass is a metasyntactic variable here.

nor the suffice "Impl" in the name of a class that implements an

You're kidding me, right? Try this on for size:

$ find . -type f -name \*.jar -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 jar tf | egrep "Impl.class$" | sort -u

With 1.6.0_22, that nets me 1423 hits. Now, not all of these are classes
which follow the pattern ${InterfaceName}Impl, but enough are to disprove
your belief.

In fact, let's see a bunch:

$ export CLASSPATH=$(find . -name \*.jar | tr '\n' :)
$ find . -type f -name \*.jar -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 jar tf \
   | egrep "Impl.class$" | fgrep -v '$' | cut -d . -f 1 | tr / . \
   | sort -u \
   | while read c; do
       iface=$(javap $c 2>/dev/null | egrep -o "implements [a-zA-Z0-9.]*" | cut -d ' ' -f 2);
       if [[ $iface == ${c%%Impl} ]]; then
         echo "$c implements $iface";

And that's a rough survey which ignores anything involving inner classes,
implementations which are in different packages to their interfaces, any
kind of addition to the class name, classes implementing another interface
ahead of their namesake, etc.

I hasten to add that i do not recommend this naming convention; i'm simply
demonstrating that it does occur in the wild.

In Java, what I often see with respect to interfaces and implementations
are names like "MyInterface" and "MySpecificKindOfMyInterface". E.g.
List vs ArrayList, Set vs HashSet, etc.

Yup. That's the right way to do it.


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