Re: Blocks for scope control

Lew <>
Fri, 20 Jan 2012 15:54:11 -0800
Arved Sandstrom wrote:

Robert Klemme wrote:

Arved Sandstrom wrote:

... [snip] ...

There are obviously differing opinions here, but I don't myself think
that the use of assertions is something you want to leave up to
individual developers. The fact that they are being used, and the
initial decision to use them, ought to be discussed and coordinated and
communicated across the project team.

+1 not least because of the endemic ignorance and superstition around
'assert'. A team discussion and documentation can elucidate the sound
engineering principles behind when to use and not use the idiom.

What I mean by this is, assertions are easy to put in. They are not
always correct when put in, and they have to be maintained in any case
as code changes (or at least removed if necessary). Existing obsolete
assertions need to be taken into account when adding new ones in the
same class or package, because if you enable one then you may enable
more. Or you remove old ones you don't understand, if you trust yourself
to understand the business rules from 4 years ago well enough to
classify the assertions as being defunct.

Assertions are about algorithmic invariants. Being invariant, they shouldn't
change, and then only when such fundamental algorithmic changes are underway
that a responsible organization would carefully document them anyway.

The effort to place assertions correctly is closely tied to the effort to
understand the algorithm properly.

Assertions also have the effect that they force you to think about
certain - possibly not obvious - properties of the code / class at hand
when you change the code. So while an assertion may look tricky it
actually helps you when modifying code to not forget important aspects.
  This may be more tedious but it certainly helps code robustness in the
long run.

Let me put it this way: I would feel good about looking at code that had
assertions in it if I saw that they were also commented where necessary,
including traceability notes where that makes sense, *and* were
supported by unit tests that exercised the assertions.

I view assertions in part also as documentation. Often no additional
commenting is needed. I frequently have a private boolean method
"classInvariant" or with other (hopefully telling) name with checks and
has documentation of its own. In these cases you have the name of the
method plus documentation on the method.

I also view assertions as documentation. I consider them important
enough in this role that I dislike casual and/or trivial use of
assertions, because pointless assertions can obscure the role of
genuinely important ones. Another reason why I think there ought to be
some team guidelines on these things.

Of course, those guidelines should encapsulate the extant documentation and
articles on their correct use. It is fairly objective to evaluate whether
'assert' is used correctly. I agree with your recommendation, but it's
predicated on the guidelines avoiding stupidity. For example, it is never
correct to use 'assert' in lieu of a conventional check, say an 'if'
structure, for non-nullity of arguments to a public method.

I say this because some teams where I've worked believe that best practices
are a matter of seniority or democracy. But some pretty senior team members
I've met could have observed their own polyps directly given how far their
crania were up their viscera, and truth is not amenable to voting.

Colorful rhetoric aside, I'm simply saying that team guidelines are a good
idea to the degree that they're correct, and that correctness is discernible
in a discussion of 'assert' practices.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

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