Re: Recommended books to learn Java
Robert Klemme wrote:
Dan Kalish wrote:
I'm an experienced programmer and would like to learn Java, in order
to make myself more marketable.
In particular, during the period 1968-1978 I worked years as a
Scientific Progammer, primarily programming in Fortran IV (66?).
Since then, I have occasionally programmed in SNOBOL, PASCAL, BASIC,
Plato, Fortran 95 and C++. Thus, I don't need a beginner's book.
Yes, you do. Maybe not a beginning programmer's book, but definitely a beginning
Java programmer's book.
I have over thirteen years' professional experience developing Java and I still
learn something new every time I read the tutorials.
Any recommendations on books for learning Java?
/Effective Java/ by Joshua Bloch is a must-have.
So is /Java Concurrency in Practice/ by Brian Goetz, et al.
I'd first look at web resources, for example Sun's Java Tutorials.
They cover most basic language features and also most important parts of
the standard library (collections, IO). I'd say the language itself is
fairly easy to grok - getting to know the standard library usually takes
a bit more time if only because of the volume.
But it's well worth the effort.
Start with the java.lang, and java.util packages.
The API docs are a constant source of knowledge and inspiration.