Re: Reading a File

Knute Johnson <>
Sat, 26 Jan 2013 11:41:00 -0800
On 1/26/2013 4:01 AM, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

On 01/26/2013 02:48 AM, Lew wrote:

subhaba...@... wrote:

Thank you Sir. It worked. Regards,Subhabrata.

Actually, no, it didn't, but the bugs are of a nature that doesn't
bother you yet.

How has it failed? Sub seems to think it does the job he requires.

Depends on how you run it as to whether that filename actually locates
the source file.

There was no requirement or intent to 'locate' the source file.

Overall the program itself "works". main() throws an exception, which
may be acceptable for a console app. Hardcoding the filename isn't a
defect unless you have a requirement to specify variable files.

There was no requirement for a GUI program. There was no requirement to
specify the file name.

Having it in the default package ain't great, along with not using
braces for the loop I'd nominate this as a latent defect.


Being in the default package doesn't change its functionality or fail to
meet any of Sub's requirements. Adding unnecessary braces, while
currently in vogue, does not change the program's functionality either
and may in fact make it more complicated for Sub to understand.

His requirements were, no try/catch blocks and simple. The code I
provided meets Sub's requirements and "It worked." Not only that I
simplified his code example by removing the FileInputStream and the

What you didn't mention is that there is no way to use anything but the
default character set. Heavens, how could you have forgotten that!

Clearly this is not a program Sub is going to use for anything except a
place to start learning how to do simple I/O. He has a long way to go
and rather than critiquing my assistance you should have provided him a
good example Arved. If you want to contribute, give your competence to
Sub, that's what you should be here to do anyway.

That's all I have to say about that.


Knute Johnson

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