Re: Helpppp plzzz

Eric Sosman <esosman@comcast-dot-net.invalid>
Thu, 21 Feb 2013 13:57:30 -0500
On 2/21/2013 1:30 PM, Sara M. wrote:

package mixedresults;

  * @author ?SaRa?
public class Tester {

     public static void main(String []args)
      final double d1=37,9;

     Did you mean `37.9' instead of `37,9'? Java follows the
American practice of using `.' instead of `,' between the
integer and fraction parts.

     Once you fix that problem, though, there's more:

      double d1 = 37.9;

     This defines a variable named `d1', but a `d1' variable
has already been defined -- You can't define a second `d1'
here. Either fix the first line and delete this one, or
delete the first line.

      double d2=1004,128;

     Same `.' vs. `,' problem as before.

      int i1=12;
      int i2=18;

          Problem 1: 57.2*(i1/i2)+1;
          Problem 2: 57.2*((double)i1/i2)+1;
          Problem 3: 15-i1*(d1*3)+4;
          Problem 4: 15-i1*(int)(d1*3)+4;
          Problem 5: 15-i1*((int)dl*3)+4;

     These five lines aren't Java; they're just copied from
the problem statement. Apparently the intent is for you to
write Java statements that perform these calculations (and
print the results, probably). If you run into trouble writing
those statements, post what you've tried along with any error
messages you get, and someone will try to help you.



Eric Sosman

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