Re: Recomended books for learning Java

Lew <>
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 12:11:03 -0400
Jeff Higgins wrote:

This morning I got permission to spend some money on (yet another) computer
I've decided to purchase "Java Concurrency in Practice". I made this
decision because
the other title in my "top two list of Java titles to purchase", "Effective
Java Programming
Language Guide" is soon to be released as 2nd Edition. (November 2007

I've purchased books from Amazon pre-publication and they arrive no later than
the publication date even with standard shipping. (Harry Potter 7 arrived
right on the day, standard therefore free shipping.)

Thinking about "Algorithms in Java", I have the C++ edition so not sure if I
need Java.

I bought /Java Concurrency .../ on my own dime, partly because absolutely
everyone competent recommends it, partly because multi-threading is a sore
area everywhere for everyone.

Ohmigosh! I wonder how I ever dared deal with threads before reading this
book. It does way more than show good and bad idioms - it's an education in
all the relevant APIs and clever ways to use them. (So /that's/ what Future
is for!)

If I come away from reading it with one principle, it'd be, "'ware the memory

Jeff's absolutely spot on, pairing /Effective Java/ and /Java Concurrency .../
as tied for number one the list. I intend to purchase the 2nd edition of the
former when it comes out, even though I already own the 1st edition. /Java
Puzzlers/ by Bloch is also a really good one to own. (Incidentally, Joshua
Bloch was one of the contributors to Goetz's book, too.)


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