Re: Chained call pattern with inheritance, polymorphism and generics...
Daniel Pitts wrote:
What's wrong then with pattern presented by Daniel to achieve that?
I can't make any sense of it.
What if I changed it to this:
public class BaseBuilder<T> {
private String something;
public T something(String something) {
this.something = something;
return getChainTarget();
I guess, it should return getChainLink() here.
protected abstract T getChainLink();
public class SpecificBuilder extends BaseBuilder<SpecificBuilder> {
private String other;
public SpecificBuilder other(String other) {
this.other = other;
protected SpecificBuilder getChainLink() {
return this;
SpecificBuilder b = new
This works since something() returns T, which in SpecificBuilder IS
The problem with my solution is that I can't have:
Of course you can:
class MoreSpecificBuilder extends SpecificBuilder {
public void doMore() {
protected MoreSpecificBuilder getChainLink() {
return this;
public MoreSpecificBuilder something(String something) {
return getChainTarget();
public MoreSpecificBuilder other(String other) {
return getChainLink();
new MoreSpecificBuilder().something("hello").doMore(); // whoops!
Try it now! :-)
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