Re: Exception Handling

Lew <>
Wed, 10 Mar 2010 02:31:28 -0500
Please reply to the list.

Here is what you sent, with attributions:

Javas wrote:
 >> > > public class Qn24 {

Lew wrote:
 > > Say, I'm just taking a WAG here, but this wouldn't happen to be question
 > > number 24 on your homework assignment, would it?

Javas wrote:
 >> > > static class A
 >> > > {
 >> > > void process() throws Exception { throw new
 >> > > Exception(); }

Lew wrote:
 > > Do us a favor here on Usenet and please keep indentation down to a maximum of
 > > four spaces per level. Eight is too wide for readability in a newsgroup.

Javas wrote:
 >> > > }
 > >
 >> > > static class B extends A
 >> > > {
 >> > > void process() { System.out.println("B "); }
 >> > > }
 > >
 >> > > public static void main(String[] args)
 >> > > {
 >> > > A a = new B();
 >> > > a.process();
 >> > > }
 >> > > }
 > >
 >> > > Why does the above code results in a compilation error? since it is

 > > When asking questions like this, saying "a compilation error" is waaaaay to
 > > vague. What is the error? *Copy and paste* the *exact* text of the error in
 > > these cases.

Javas wrote:
 >> > > always invoking class B's process() method which doesnt throw any
 >> > > exception.

 > > The key is that it's a compilation error, not a runtime one. The fact that
 > > a.process() is polymorphically calling B's version is a runtime
 > > not a compilation one. See markspace's answer.
 > >
 > > It becomes quite important in Java to keep compile-time and run-time
 > > separate in your mind.

Javas wrote:

Guruji! Don't try to act smart. Just try to share your views and
convey your requests in a cordial mannar. Hope you understand your
mistakes. I'll correct me from my next post onwards. Anyways, Thanks
for your answer.

#1: If you're so smart, why are you asking us for help?

#2: What wasn't cordial about my manner?

#3: What mistakes? Trying to help you, apparently.


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