On 22 Ago, 05:51, Arne Vajh=F8j <a...@vajhoej.dk> wrote:
may give some tips !
thank you Arne :)
I sorted out the problem, actually I don't know what was
wrong in my env, I reinstalled java, apache etc. starting
from scratch and my app works now!
My JSP calls a Java class where I use the following method
for authenticating:
// For hostname and port ...
Properties sysProperties = System.getProperties();
sysProperties.put("proxySet", "true");
sysProperties.put("http.proxyHost", host);
sysProperties.put("https.proxyHost", host);
sysProperties.put("http.proxyPort", String.valueOf(port));
sysProperties.put("https.proxyPort", String.valueOf(port));
// For username and password ...
new Authenticator()