Re: Regex and Unicode

Robert Klemme <>
Mon, 19 Mar 2007 18:05:16 +0100
On 19.03.2007 17:25, wrote:

I have a situation in which I am receiving a String from a non-java
system. The system that generates the String attempts to encode some
characters such a slash to unicode. However it encodes characters
using the percent sign rathern than the backslash.

Thus the String test-victorf becomes test%u002dvictorf. I'd love to
be able to simply replace the percent with a backslash, but it seems
that there is no way to dynamically insert the backslash like a
literal. For example:
    public static void main (String args[]){
        String user = "test%u002dvictof";
        user = user.replace('%', '\\');

Does not work. The output is test\002dvictorf.

Well, there is no Unicode escape sequence in the string so there is
actually a "%" in the string which gets replaced. To make the unicode
replacement work, the string has to read "test\u002dvictof" in the
*source code* because the compiler will do the replacement.

So I tried to use a regular expression with a capturing parantheses:
    public static void main (String args[]){
        String user = "test%u002dvictof";
        user = user.replaceAll("%u([a-f | A-F | 0-9][a-f | A-F | 0-9][a-f |
A-F | 0-9][a-f | A-F | 0-9])",
                Character.toString((char)Integer.valueOf("$1", 16).intValue()) );
Which generates a java.lang.NumberFormatException becuase the compiler
does not like the $1 at runtime. It seems that the $1 is being
interpretted literally. The real value of $1 at run time is '002d'

You need to set a replacement string for every replacement *while
replacing* because the calculation of the replacement value has to take
place for every individual match. See,%20java.lang.String)

Any help is appreciated.

I think a more proper solution would be to create a custom
InputStreamReader that does the conversion to char when reading binary.
  Maybe even one of the default encodings does this already. IIRC
java.util.Property.load() does it already when reading from files. But
this is an ugly hack so I'd rather either look for something or create
your own solution.

Kind regards


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