Re: Setting breakpoint on the end of the method in Eclipse

Patricia Shanahan <>
Mon, 07 May 2007 21:06:45 -0700
dt wrote:

I have a hard time doing something in Eclipse. I hope I am missing
something obvious, since otherwise I must say this is a very annoying
feature of Eclipse.

Assume the following code:

void test() {
   boolean a = true;
   while(a) {
          a = false;
       // other code here
   } // <--- Breakpoint here
} // <--- Breakpoint here

How to set a breakpoint on the lines marked with // <--- Breakpoint
here? When I try this, Eclipse says: "Breakpoint cannot be set at the
given position". In other words, I cannot catch the moment of exit
from the while or method. Yes, putting a dummy boolean dummy = 0; just
before the end of the procedure is a solution - however, much far from
"the" solution. Please, any ideas, comments or suggestions?

This is a bit indirect, but does not require any source code changes.

Create a breakpoint on the

   void test() {

line. Right click the breakpoint indicator, select "Breakpoint
Properties", uncheck "Method Entry" and check "Method Exit".

When the breakpoint is hit, the indicator does point to the final brace.
I have no idea why inserting a breakpoint on the final brace is not
treated as equivalent to this process.


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