Re: JUnit + System.exit(-1): Looking for alternatives
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen <> writes:
Try modifying the TestCase to run with a security manager that
prevents calling System.exit, then catch the SecurityException.
Something like (untested!):
And now that it has been tested, it turns out to fail in several ways.
This one seems to work, though:
public class NoExitTestCase extends TestCase {
protected static class ExitException extends SecurityException {
public final int status;
public ExitException(int status) {
super("There is no escape!");
this.status = status;
private static class NoExitSecurityManager extends SecurityManager {
public void checkPermission(Permission perm) {
// allow anything.
public void checkPermission(Permission perm, Object context) {
// allow anything.
public void checkExit(int status) {
throw new ExitException(status);
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
System.setSecurityManager(new NoExitSecurityManager());
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
System.setSecurityManager(null); // or save and restore original
public void testNoExit() throws Exception {
System.out.println("Printing works");
public void testExit() throws Exception {
try {
} catch (ExitException e) {
assertEquals("Exit status", 42, e.status);
I'm sure it can be done prettier, but it gives the general idea.
Lasse Reichstein Nielsen -
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