Re: Unable to Overload toString for Object

Ojesh Dugar <>
Wed, 12 Feb 2014 20:58:40 -0800 (PST)
On Thursday, February 13, 2014 12:07:00 AM UTC+5:30, markspace wrote:

On 2/12/2014 12:38 AM, Ojesh Dugar wrote:

Basically, I am able to access Bugzilla Webservice API through java

code(xmlrpc) and in return i get a object of <<class

java.util.HashMap>>. According to Bugzilla documentation two items

are returned, bugs and faults, both are array of hashes and I want to

access these. Thanks.

Cast to a HashMap and iterate over all of its keys.

(not tested):

// create bug

    Object createResult = rpcClient.execute("", new



   HashMap bugs = (HashMap)createResult;

   for( Object key : bugs.keySet() ) {

     System.out.println( "Key "+key.getClass().getName()

                       + "= "+key

                       + ", value "+ bugs.get( key ).getClass().getName()

                       + "= "+ bugs.get( key )



More info here:

The Code you have given gives output as:

<< Key java.lang.String= bugs, value [Ljava.lang.Object;= [Ljava.lang.Object;@78812862 >>

Which means that object is a hashmap Having Key as "bugs" and value itself is another object.(As per my understanding)

According to documentation,
bugs- is an array of hashes that contains information about the bugs with the valid ids. Each hash contains the following items
string, The name of the current component of this bug.

dateTime, When the bug was created.

string, The login name of the person who filed this bug (the reporter).
int, The unique numeric id of this bug.

Now i cant undersatnd how do i proceed to get these informations.


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