Re: Java Reflection question

Patricia Shanahan <>
Tue, 05 Sep 2006 13:21:52 GMT
Patricia Shanahan wrote:

Albert Grein?cker wrote:

Hi NG,

maybe a too simple question: How can I get the type of a class within
a static method which belongs to the class for which I would like to
have the type?


I don't think there is any really satisfactory way. Here's a hack that
uses a nested class declaration:

public class NameTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Class myClass =
  private class DummyForGettingClassName{

I should perhaps point out that I never use this. If there were a really
smooth way of avoiding repeating the class name I might use it. As it
is, I would write:

Class myClass = NameTest.class;

If the class name is long enough for a risk of typos, use copy-paste.
Never change a class name by editing it directly. Instead, use a
refactoring tool such as Eclipse to rename it.


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