Re: who can give a simple example? Urgently need!!

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Thu, 19 Oct 2006 22:09:28 -0400
Flamingo wrote:

I want a webpage, there would be a input textfield, and a "sumbit"
there, if you press the submit button, the contents you input to the
textfield would be send to your email. who can give me a simple sample
about that. thanks a lot. I really need i t urgently.

I will assume that you mean a Java web app.

I will also assume that you are relative new
to Java web apps.

Below are some JSP code that can be be specified as action
for a HTML form. From 0 to 10 fields in the HTML form are
then emailed.


<%@page import="java.util.*,javax.mail.*,javax.mail.internet.*"%>
     * Configure mail here.
    public final static String MAILSERVER = "";
    public final static String FROM = "";
    public final static String TO = "";
    public final static String SUBJECT = "Test";
     * Configure pages to go to.
    public static final String SUCCESS = "form.html";
    public static final String FAILURE = "form.html";
     * Configure fields here.
    public static final String FIELD1 = "K?de";
    public static final String FIELD2 = "Firma";
    public static final String FIELD3 = "Adresse";
    public static final String FIELD4 = "Postnr";
    public static final String FIELD5 = "By";
    public static final String FIELD6 = "Mail";
    public static final String FIELD7 = "Telefon";
    public static final String FIELD8 = "Fax";
    public static final String FIELD9 = "Att";
    public static final String FIELD10 = "";
     public static boolean sendEmail(String mailserver, String from,
String to, String subject, String body) {
       try {
          Properties props = System.getProperties();
          props.put("", mailserver);
          Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);
          MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
          message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
          message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new
       } catch (AddressException e) {
          return false;
       } catch (MessagingException e) {
          return false;
       return true;
    if(request.getMethod().equals("POST")) {
       StringBuffer formdata = new StringBuffer("");
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD1) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD1 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD1) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD2) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD2 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD2) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD3) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD3 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD3) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD4) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD4 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD4) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD5) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD5 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD5) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD6) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD6 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD6) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD7) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD7 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD7) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD8) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD8 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD8) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD9) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD9 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD9) +
       if(request.getParameter(FIELD10) != null) {
          formdata.append(FIELD10 + ": " + request.getParameter(FIELD10)
+ "\n");
       if(sendEmail(MAILSERVER, FROM, TO, SUBJECT, formdata.toString())) {
       } else {
    } else {

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