Re: Accessing a protected variable of PreparedStatement

Daniel Pitts <>
30 Apr 2007 10:30:26 -0700
On Apr 30, 8:51 am, Gello Ramello <> wrote:

Hi, the environment is Java 1.5, Tomcat 5.5, Postgres 8.1, Eclipse
3.1.1 and Windows XP Pro.
I want to create a function that reads PreparedStatement attributes.
The ps is passed as generic object function parameter and then casted
to PreparedStatement. I can access to PreparedMetaData and other
stuffs, but not to the _stmt properties and methods (like QueryString,
query parameters etc). In fact _stmt is a protected property of
PreparedStatement. My question is: why, as seen in debug mode, Eclipse
can access it and all its methods and properties?
How can I access to _stmt?

Thank you.

First, Debuggers have special access.
Second, you can use reflection to access protected properties.
Third, Don't use reflection to access protected properties...

Generally, even if the PreparedStatement has a string property which
holds the "statement", it is actually just a place-holder reference
for a statement that is already compiled on your SQL server. Changing
the stmt at best would have no effect, and at worse would cause
undefined behavior. Its a bad idea to violate access constraints,
even if you are able.

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-- Zohar 11, 4b