Re: How to determine subclasses of a class
Olli Plough <> writes:
obtain all classes that implement that interface and select those that
A similar operation exists in the library ?ram.jar?.
This operation is based on Code by Ralf Ullrich.
One can find all classes of a jar that have any chosen
property, as long as this property can be obtained from the
class reference.
For example, to find all classes implementing ?java.util.Map?,
one sets a filter accepting only classes which
?java.util.Map? is assignable from:
public boolean accepts( final java.lang.Class class_ )
{ return java.util.Map.class.isAssignableFrom( class_ ); }
One also needs to provide a starting class to find the jar, which
is done as follows.
public java.lang.String entryPath(){ return "java.lang.Object"; }
The jar containing this type will be chosen for exploration.
However, the client does not need to specify this ?entryPath?,
as "java.lang.Object" is the default obtained by extending
The example client is:
public class Main
{ /* based on an idea and on code by Ralf Ullrich from 2006 */
public static void main( final java.lang.String[] args )
{ new
( new
public boolean isClassFinder(){ return true; }
public boolean accepts( final java.lang.Class class_ )
{ return java.util.Map.class.isAssignableFrom( class_ ); }
}).inspectJar(); }}
class java.lang.ProcessEnvironment
class java.rmi.server.RemoteObjectInvocationHandler$MethodToHash_Maps$1
class java.util.Properties
class java.util.Hashtable
interface java.util.Map
The library ?ram.jar? is an early publication in alpha state,
it is experimental, changing, and mostly undocumented. See: