Re: looping backwards...

Patricia Shanahan <>
Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:43:54 -0800
Lew wrote:

Patricia Shanahan wrote:

However, according to the JLS, "Code is usually clearer when each
expression contains at most one side effect, as its outermost operation,

Eric Sosman wrote:

    (IMHO, the JLS ought not to opine on such matters --
they are reflections of somebody's prejudices, not
specifications of the language -- and it deserves to be
ignored when it strays.)

Right on.

Besides, the
  for( int ix = length; --ix >= 0; )
has been around a lot longer than Java. Anyone who doesn't recognize
the idiom should get promoted into management.

I certainly recognize it, and know what it means, but is this something
new Java programmers should be learning? there are a lot of things I
recognize that I would not write today. For example:

int array[];

is a valid Java array declaration, and anyone who has programmed in C or
C++ should recognize it, but it is not the best say of declaring an
int[] array.

for(int ix = length-1; ix >=0; ix--)

avoids the side effect messiness and makes the index range for the loop
really clear.


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