Re: Reflection and access to type parameter?
On May 22, 4:28 pm, Jim Garrison <> wrote:
Given the SSCCE below, the need to pass A.class and B.class in
lines 25 and 25 seems redundant. However, I can find nothing in
the language that would let that be done in the constructor,
between lines 18 and 19. The obvious would be
Class<T> x = T.class;
but that of course does not work. Is there any bridge at all
between reflection and generics? I suspect the answer is no
and the code below is the best that can be done, but I'm
not sure.
1 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
2 public class TestEnums
3 {
4 public static enum A
5 {
6 V1,
7 V2;
8 }
9 public static enum B
10 {
11 X1,
12 X2,
13 X3;
14 }
15 public static class C<T extends Enum<?>>
16 {
17 public C(Class<T> x) throws Exception
18 {
19 T[] eVal = x.getEnumConstants();
20 for (Enum<?> v : eVal) System.out.println(v.toS=
21 }
22 }
23 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
24 {
25 C<A> ca = new C<A>(A.class);
26 C<B> cb = new C<B>(B.class);
27 }
28 }
You can, at least, refactor some of the repetition:
public static <T> C<T> createC (Class<T> clazz) {
return new C<T>(clazz);
C<A> = createC(A.class);
C<B> = createC(B.class);
Java allows type parameters to be inferred in certain contexts.
Unfortunately, constructor invocation isn't one of them...