Re: enhance an array's static type by a lower length-bound.
On 17.08.2011 17:04, Andreas Leitgeb wrote:
The point of the idea is, that array variables would be added a static
bit of information, namely a lower bound (0 by default) for the length
of an array that can legally be stored in that variable.
I believe such a change would be source-compatible, but might require
some severe changes at the bytecode/class-file-format level, to allow
to specify such a lower bound in a type signature. Such a change should
be possible in a way, that old class-files can still be used. e.g.:
get9th:(]10I)I (currently without bounds: get9th:([I)I )
Methods could overload others just for different length-bounds.
The one with the largest provably satisfyable length-bound would be
chosen among those with otherwise matching signature.
Not sure whether this would work - especially since binding of the
signature occurs at compile time while you might only learn the real
length of a parameter at runtime.
Also there is probably a whole lot of issues with java.lang.reflect.
Another one could be, that ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions are
not currently perceived as a problem that could be alleviated
by static checks, anyway.
I think this is closer to the real reason why this is probably not such
a good idea. What you propose would be useful only if the added
property of arrays would allow for *compile time* checking - because
Java has runtime checks already. For compile time checks to be
reasonable you would need to forbid
int[] a1 = expr;
int[10] a2 = a1;
because depending on the complexity of expr it might not be possible for
the compiler to determine the guaranteed min length of a1.
And finally the question: how often do you know the array length in
advance? How useful is this in practice? I have the feeling that
people would use this as a lazy shortcut for defining a class with n
integer fields. And then how does the usefulness weight against the
cost of realizing this? I think your intuition (that we won't see this)
was pretty good already. :-)
Kind regards
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end