Re: Annotations processing + type introspection + code generation
On 12.09.2011 20:00, Alex J wrote:
On Sep 12, 8:56 pm, Robert Klemme<> wrote:
Why do you want to generate code? I mean, you could process annotations
at runtime. Create appropriate classes for the handling and configure
appropriate graphs of objects which do the work (or even use reflection).
I need to generate *source* code, the boilerplate code is complex
enough, unfortunately bytecode is not an option.
One of the reason why I need generated code is that the boilerplate
code is quite sofisticated, learning generated docs and debugging the
generated code most likely will be required.
There are other reasons, but I think that this one would be
Hm... If you need to generate a lot identical code there is something
wrong: that identical code could be better implemented directly and
used. So that leaves adapters and stuff Mark mentioned for generation.
I am not convinced yet that it is a good idea to generate loads of
complex code.
Can you shed some more light on the nature of the application you are
going to implement?
Kind regards
remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end